
onsdag 23 februari 2011


GM Henrik Danielsen har återupptagit att kommentera sina partier på youtube. Här följer hans vinst mot Jonny i danska ligan nyligen.

1 kommentar:

  1. This is a great video !

    A lot of good guidelines ("i dont believe in positions where the pieces are not coordinated" "With just rooks and queen left look for king attack or passed pawns" "You cannot attack your opponent where he is strong, that's why i keep my pawn structure strong, so you cannot attack me !" This one he applied to perfection in the game. Hector looks like he's got no useful plan after a while.)

    It's also very interesting to note all the subtilties of the accelerated dragon.

    And the final conclusion is a precious life/chess lesson !

    Tusen tack ;-)
